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samoyed puppies

So You Want a Samoyed?

Welcome to the Samoyed breed!

Samoyeds are generally a 12–15 year commitment so whether you are considering a puppy or adopting an older dog, educate yourself by learning as much as possible from Samoyed breeders and owners.  Doing this will determine if Samoyeds fit your lifestyle and your heart’s desire.  Knowing Samoyeds’ exercise needs, character nuances, general health, grooming needs, feeding, and training are vital to your ultimate decision of adding a Samoyed to your home.  

Where to Look

Finding a reliable Breeder that you are comfortable communicating with is vital to a relationship that will guide you throughout your dog’s lifetime.  Good breeders want their dog owners happy and are available for questions, concerns and more anytime.  The Samoyed Club of America website also provides information on finding a breeder.  Denver Samoyed Association also maintains a list of member breeders. Learn more.

You may want to interview potential breeders and ask a few questions, such as: What health testing do you do on the parents? (See more at Are you a member of the Samoyed Club of America, Denver Samoyed Association or other local breed club? What is the process for getting on a waiting list for a puppy? 

If you choose to adopt an older dog, there are a number of reputable rescue organizations, starting locally with Denver Samoyed Rescue. A good rescue organization will have done an in-depth evaluation of potential adoptees and be a resource to you for the rest of the dog’s life. The Samoyed Club of America also lists affiliated rescue organizations across the U.S.

samoyed puppies playing
samoyeds playing in leaves

Samoyed Nuances

Samoyeds require daily exercise of both mind and body.  Engaging them with interactive mind games as well as walks in a park (NO DOG PARKS), city trails, hikes in the mountains, the Samoyed is up for anything.  Doing different things every day is enjoyed by the Samoyed!  They are truly a dog for all seasons, from playing in snow to swimming in pools/lakes, show in competitions for obedience, agility, herding, dock diving, rally, fast cat, trick dog, barn hunt, conformation and more, as they are versatile and game for whatever sounds fun and exciting!  They make wonderful therapy dogs in care facilities, schools, airport greeters and more all because of their love for people!

Samoyeds are personable and adore their families.  They are intelligent and independent– thus training from a young age is necessary or they can become a challenge to their owners.   Because of their independence, training commands must be obeyed and if not obeyed a gentle but firm correction needs to be given.  Through training, a bond will develop, and a wonderful relationship will ensue for a lifetime.  Samoyeds want to please and are willing training partners because they want to please, but they are also independent thinkers.

samoyed at rally


Samoyed training begins with their breeders and continues throughout their life!  It’s very important to understand how to train a Samoyed beginning with your breeder and onto locating a good training facility and attending regular classes with your Samoyed!  Training includes not only training at a class but life in general by socializing with other dogs of like age, teaching them to ride well in a crate in your car or at least a seatbelt tether, training in a variety of different places like parks, your backyard, etc. provides a for a welcome lifetime companion no matter where you are with them.

samoyeds training

Health & Diet

The Samoyed is  generally a healthy breed and not prone to illness.  Specialized health testing is done for Samoyeds before breeding as well as annual health exams by your veterinarian on individual dogs.  Some issues can arise if not fed a good diet, if allowed to become overweight or fed table scraps.  Your breeder will enlighten you on specialized health testing of your dog to include but not limited to:  eyes, hips, heart.


Samoyeds need to be fed premium food, which not only nourishes but maintains a good weight for their lifetime.  Please do not allow the dog to become overweight as not only is it not healthy but it may decrease their life expectancy.  Samoyeds have efficient metabolisms and need lower amounts of high quality food than many other breeds. Typically, Samoyeds are fed twice daily –NEVER leave food available throughout the day.  This makes for a picky eater!  Fresh water should ALWAYS be available.  

samoyed veterinarian visit

Samoyeds require regular grooming to maintain their beautiful coats.  You can invest in grooming equipment (dryer, grooming table, nail grinder, scissors, brushes) if you prefer to self-groom or find a highly recommended groomer, which is why you need a plan to maintain your Samoyed.  They have a double coat (harsh outer coat with softer undercoat) which requires regular grooming.  Their nails need grinding/trimming weekly and a full shampoo/bath monthly at minimum.  Brushing or scaling their teeth is an important grooming need. For more information on grooming, visit our grooming page.

samoyed being groomed
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